Nautilus T618 Treadmill

Nautilus T618 Treadmill Review: A Blend of Quality and Innovation


The Nautilus T618 Treadmill stands as a beacon in the fitness equipment market, particularly appealing to those who seek a blend of durability, advanced features, and professional workout experience at home.

Unboxing and Assembly

Unboxing the Nautilus T618, I was immediately struck by its robust construction. The assembly process, while somewhat time-consuming (about 1.5 hours), was facilitated by clear instructions. It’s a two-person job, given the weight of the components, but no additional tools were needed beyond what was provided.

Design and Build

The design of the T618 exudes a professional gym-quality feel. It’s solidly built, with high-grade materials that promise stability and longevity. The size is considerable, so it’s best suited for a dedicated workout space rather than a multi-use area.

Technical Specifications

The T618 shines with its powerful 3.5 CHP motor, accommodating speeds up to 12 mph and an incline of up to 15%. The 20″ x 60″ running belt provides ample space for a comfortable stride, and the Rebound Cushioning System is a standout feature, offering substantial impact absorption.

Console and User Interface

The console is intuitive and user-friendly, boasting a vivid backlit display that’s easy to read even in low light. The control panel allows quick access to a variety of workout programs. Bluetooth connectivity and compatibility with fitness apps like the Nautilus Trainer 2 and RunSocial app enhance its functionality.

Performance and Exercise Experience

In use, the Nautilus T618 performs exceptionally. Whether it’s a leisurely walk or an intense run, the treadmill remains stable and relatively quiet. The cushioning system effectively reduces joint stress, making for a comfortable workout experience.

Interactive and Smart Features

The smart features of the T618, including interactive training sessions and app integration, provide an engaging and motivating workout experience. The ability to track and store workout data is invaluable for monitoring progress.

Durability and Maintenance

Given its solid build, the T618 promises durability. Maintenance is straightforward, mainly involving regular cleaning and occasional belt adjustments.

Value for Money

While the Nautilus T618 sits at a higher price point, its advanced features and robust build justify the investment. It competes favorably with other treadmills in its category, offering a high-end workout experience at a relatively reasonable price.

Pros and Cons


  • Robust build and high-quality materials.
  • Advanced cushioning system for joint protection.
  • Comprehensive workout programs and smart features.


  • Sizeable footprint, not suitable for small spaces.
  • Assembly can be labor-intensive.
  • Premium pricing may be a barrier for some.

Final Verdict and Recommendations

The Nautilus T618 Treadmill is an excellent choice for serious fitness enthusiasts and dedicated runners who require a high-performance, durable treadmill with advanced features. It’s best suited for those who have ample space and are willing to invest in a top-tier home workout experience.


  • What is the warranty on the Nautilus T618?
    • It includes a 15-year frame and motor warranty, with additional coverage for parts and electronics.
  • Can it support heavier users?
    • Yes, it has a weight capacity of up to 350 pounds.
  • How does it integrate with fitness apps?
    • It offers seamless integration with popular fitness apps, enhancing the tracking and interactive workout experience.
  • Is it suitable for high-intensity interval training?
    • Its robust motor and sturdy build make it ideal for high-intensity workouts.
  • How does it compare to commercial treadmills?
    • The T618 offers many features of commercial treadmills, making it a great home alternative for those used to gym-grade equipment.


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